Remembering Hans Leonhardt

Hans beside his allotment garden
Hans Leonhardt called the community of Tsawwassen his home for 55 years. An avid gardener, Hans spent much of his free time at Earthwise tending to his beautiful allotment plot, growing bright flowers and vegetables, and making friends. He was passionate about Earthwise and looked forward to days spent at the Garden – rain or shine. We remember him with fondness.

Hans was voted allotment gardener of the month for April of 2019, when these tulips were in bloom
In the words of his gardening friends:
“Hans always added flowers to his vegetable garden, making it the most colourful, much admired allotment. Always the gentleman, he will be missed” -R. Earles, Earthwise Volunteer

Hans’s banana tree now greets visitors as they enter the Earthwise Garden
“Hans did most of his gardening at Earthwise before most of us had even woken up in the morning. His allotment was always spectacular with flowers, garden ornaments and vegetables. He was a lovely man and even when he wasn’t able to come to Earthwise, we would communicate by e-mail and he would coach me about how to look after his wonderful Banana Tree. A great loss to our community.” –D. Robinson, Earthwise volunteer
In lieu of flowers, his family has graciously requested that donations to Earthwise Society be made in Hans’s name. If you would like to contribute to the Hans Leonhardt Memorial Fund, please click HERE.