Don’t Mow Grow Victory Gardens

Don’t Mow, Grow Victory GardensCarrots

Love to garden and want to give back to the community? In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, we saw a growing need for local, community-driven food security programs. To address this, we adapted our Don’t Mow, Grow program, adding more gardens and creating an opportunity for gardeners of all experience levels to help those in need. This evolved into what is now the Victory Garden Program.

All you need to get involved is a space to garden, small or large, and a desire to grow food organically.  We will provide you with a free starter kit containing a selection of seeds. Victory gardeners will receive a bi-weekly newsletter with growing tips and recipes. To help you get started, Earthwise farmers will provide an initial phone consultation and will remain available to provide advice throughout the season. And of course you’ll benefit by enjoying your own home grown produce all season long! We request that gardeners will donate a portion of their harvest to Earthwise Society for distribution through Delta Food Coalition to those in need in our community.

To register for the Victory Garden Program please click HERE.

For questions, email

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