Don’t Mow, Grow!

Don’t Mow, Grow! 

Don’t Mow Grow transforms high-maintenance lawns into beautiful, productive, and ecologically-beneficial food gardens!

The Earthwise Don’t Mow, Grow! program utilizes the Society’s vast experience in organic growing and small-scale farming to transform lawns of any size into eco-friendly, organic food-growing spaces.  By partnering with local residents to help them grow food at home, Earthwise replaces resource-hungry lawns with food gardens that will benefit both community and the environment.

Don’t Mow, Grow! is based on a concept called SPIN farming, an innovative model for urban agriculture that makes it possible for almost anyone to be part of sustainable food production. In SPIN farming, instead of cultivating large farms,  farmers use a number of smaller, individual plots, making unused land in urban areas more productive.  

We are currently accepting a limited number of new gardens in the Tsawwassen area only. If you are interested in participating in the Don’t Mow Grow Program, email

If you are interested in growing food at home, also check out the Victory Garden Program

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